I woke up this morning with a strong realization: we are all like standing wave patterns.
We–who we are, and what we represent in the world–are like standing wave patterns. Each of us has our own pattern and collectively, groups, organizations, even cities and towns, and so on have their own wave patterns made up of the all the interactions of the people and organizations who live and operate there.
For some, their wave pattern is disjointed and not very strong. Maybe it is barely distinguishable as a wave pattern at all.
But others have a very strong, very clear signal. They have clarity within themselves, little to no internal resistance, and their wave pattern is defined.
One’s wave pattern can be so strong that it attracts others who resonate with one’s pattern.
Each of us attracts others who resonate with our own basic energy. We each attract others who’s waveform resonates with our waveform.
The resonance between us increases both of our amplitudes, allowing us to become greater than we were before.
However, our interactions with other’s patters will reinforce some aspects and cancel out others. The interaction itself will create its own pattern, its own ripples.
When we have a good interaction with another person, positive characteristics are reinforced and become greater while undesirable characteristics are weakened. Our interaction can support both of us and leave us stronger–enriched by the interaction. It can also help us propagate further.
The opposite effect can also happen, so it’s important to spend time with people who bring out the best in us.
What patterns are you putting out into the world? And what or whom are you attracting?